Ashby’s all-in-one recruiting platform is a great choice to integrate our live video interviewing as an assessment in your candidate pipeline.
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Quick start
This video demonstrates how to setup Ashby integration for which involves:
- Create the a new integration in
- Copy the API key
- Paste the key into the partner system
- Copy the partner key back into
- Make a selection on which jobs to sync
- Save the integration.
See instructions in our docs for more information.
Frequently asked questions relevant to the Ashby integration
When connected to Ashby, jobs that are published will appear in, along with interview questions that will be generated based on the job description. These questions can then be asked of candidates by our AI agent after they are invited to our live vide interview.
We recommend setting up an automated activity as part of the Application Review stage of an interview plan, so that any time a candidate applies for a job, they will be invited to a live video interview.
Once a candidate completes all the questions in the interivew, the transcript will be analysed by our platform using a large language model to evaluate the response to each question, as well as provide a high level recommendation and reason to hire / not to hire.
As part of the interview process, we will record the conversation with the candidate who will speak to our AI, and optionally provide video via their web cam. This recording will be stored securely in the public cloud and able to be viewed by hirers when they are logged into our platform.
Still have questions?
If you have questions or need suppor, please contact us.